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Bad essay examples will help you to improve your writing skills

Bad essay examples will help you to  improve your writing skills photo

How to write a bad essay

During the research of students’ essay, we’ve come up with the typical mistakes that ruin all the work. Read those examples, and make sure your essay has nothing in common with the described below.

Plagiarism won’t help you to shine

Sometimes you don’t have an inspiration, muse or whatever helps you to write, you sit in front of your computer for hours without writing even an introduction and bam…you decide to take someone’s work. Students are deceived by the thought that it will be unnoticed. We live in the world where people have rights for what they accomplished, you will probably look not as your best by stealing another authors words. If you want to write a bad essay, go ahead.

Use no evidence

The good writers always back up their argument. If you make some argument, you want your reader to support your position, to believe in what you try to tell them. You can’t achieve this goal without using the evidence. The bad essay is full of the weak ideas without presenting the evidence to confirm them.

Dubious theory

If you want an argument that is definitely original but certainly dubious, follow this simple recipe. Take one canonical author (let’s say Virgil); add an unclear theory about which no one has heard (you can get them in most departments of sociology); mix well and then half-finish. Remember to always twist the facts to fit the theories, not the theories, to satisfy the facts. Any evidence beyond the bounds of the theory can be ignored: it is obviously impossible for more than one thing to happen in any particular place at that time. Applying these things will create the worst essay.

Don’t follow the logic

Do you have lots of thoughts and ideas? Just throw them into your essay. Don’t think what should be included in the intro, the body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Mix them, so the reader can’t understand anything and follow your idea. The bad essay is guaranteed.

There is no other side of the story

Show your reader that the side you’ve picked is the only good one. You don’t except other opinions, so the readers shouldn’t as well. People who are not ready to even consider another opinion from the one they have, won’t be perceived by the readers as the good writers.

Use inappropriate examples

In order to make your essay more interesting use the examples that came to your mind. Even if they are not related to the topic, inappropriate or don’t suit your entire text, you can include them to write the really bad essay.

To be the great writer you have to be familiar with both techniques, how to write an excellent and bad essay.

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