Tips to write and publish a book for free
We live in an amazing time when everything is possible. If you have an interesting and useful idea or story to share, you can easily do that. You can create a book and publish it for free, so that millions of people can read it.
However, you are to know how to do this. We offer you to look through the following tips, which will definitely help you implement your ideas into life. Although there is no guarantee that you will become a world-known writer at once, these steps will assist your ideas to be heard by others. So, let`s take a look!
Create an idea
An idea is the main thing you should have to create a worth reading book. Usually, these ideas are raw, authors know a couple of the main characters and the general idea of the story. Though, it is much better to plan everything, every step and have it written somewhere.
In other words, you just need to capture the idea, know exactly what should happen.
Write a book
It`s obvious this step is the most important one. Moreover, it is the most difficult one as it demands much time and energy. You should dedicate yourself to the writing procedure.
If you are really passionate about the book writing, if you have a great desire to share your ideas with others, then you should sacrifice a lot to gain successful results.
You can use whenever program you like to write a book. Choose the most familiar and convenient for you.
Book editing
If you have some money to invest in your book, then this step will demand it. It`s a beneficial idea to get a good editor, who can make your story sound professional.
Still, if you don`t have money for this, you can do editing on your own. The first thing to do is to read the entire book for several times. Then, you can check your grammar and spelling mistakes with the programs online, for instance, you can use Grammarly.
Afterwards, you can use various editing services, offering other authors to read your book. This will definitely make the quality of your book better and reduce the number of mistakes.
Ask others to read your book

Before publishing, ask others to read your book and give a feedback. There will some things that are not clear to the readers, even if you understand them well. So, you will get a chance to correct some mistakes.
You are to look for someone, who likes the genre you are writing in. Then, the feedback will bring you benefits.
Think of a format
You should consider lots of details before publishing. Do you want to publish an ebook or a paper one, both? Would you like to stick with Amazon only and take advantages, they offer to the authors who publish for them only, or do you want to publish on various platforms and make your book more popular?
You are to take time and make these decisions.
Each platform and form you choose demands different formatting, has own requirements. So, you should consider this too.
This might seem scaring, especially if you are a newcomer here. Though, if you do this for the first time, then it`s better to start with an ebook on Amazon. Then you can move on to publish a paperback.
If you want your book to be presented on various platforms but you don`t want to format it for several times, then do it with Draft to Digital. They will put your book everywhere (including Amazon).
Think of a cover
Every book is judged by a cover. If you have money, then, it`s another thing you can spend it on. A good cover will catch readers` attention and make your book more attractive.
You can try to do your own cover but there`s little hope, that you will do it in a good way. It is better to invest into a professional cover designer.
Book formatting
It is easy to upload your book to the platforms, as most of them have own tutorials on how to do it. Moreover, you can upload Microsoft Word almost everywhere.
It will be complicated to deal with it if your book contains images. To proceed with the formatting, you need to read attentively the instructions given to you. Take your time to watch all the videos offered, read all the information to upload everything in a proper way.
Upload and publish your book
Finally, when you have your book looking in the way you like, you can press that button Publish and share it with others.
Tell others
Once you have published your book on a site, you should tell people about it, so that they can look for your book and read it.
After that hard work you`ve done on your book, your soul needs celebration. Create it by yourself. Spend time with your beloved, cook something special and enjoy your success.