Top 8 Apps for Managing Your Budget. Student’s Choice
As soon as you start college, there are a lot of tips to be learned. One of them is the art of spending, so you don’t have to contact the family for financial support. If you are the kind of student to pay rent in due time, the choices are hard. What if there is a party to be thrown on Saturday and you have no cash to spare? We can agree that such a challenge might be overwhelming. Fortunately, one can improve the situation by installing one of these apps. They are intended to track your bills and organize your finances.
- MySupermarket. Every time you decide to create a list for shopping, you inevitably face a problem. Most of the supermarkets have low prices available. However, there is always an issue of finding the most affordable deal. With the help of MySupermarket, one can be in charge of an individual basket to collect items. The app also detects the cheapest products accessible and gives you orientation. Whenever there is a special offer involved, you can count on MySupermarket. Those who are not used to putting products on a list can use the alternative scheme and scan the barcodes. The app will define whether there are lower prices around town and show the location.
- BigOven. You are probably familiar with the situation when you’ve run out of food after a week’s feast. If you suddenly find yourself stranded with bananas instead of substantial meals, there is no need to worry. BigOven will show you how to turn leftover cooking into something scrumptious. Enter the products that you have at hand and wait for the outcome. You will be delighted to discover the recipe for the next delicious meal. It is said that BigOven does not lack in creativity. Moreover, it can help you create a plan for the week and therefore spend less on food items.
- LearnVest. Students who decide to install LearnVest will soon learn that the app is directly tied to the bank account. This means you will be tracking the purchases daily. Set a budget for the month and see if there are any essentials like car payments, loans, or debts to be paid in the first place.
- Slice. Slice is good for people who wish their purchases to be kept in one place. Apart from the shipping details that are sent to you after each purchase, you can download the delivery options individually. It is an app that allows users to have their purchase history archived. Also, it is a great budgeting program for those who are still confused about their finances.
- PocketBudget. This is a convenient app that displays the budget in the form of a pie chart. The transactions can be shown on the screen and calculated according to your monthly budget. Although not very sophisticated, the app is straightforward when it comes to funds. As college students, some of us feel the need to know the amount of money they can spend daily.
- CheckPlease Lite. Whenever you are out with friends and the lectures are over, there are many places you can visit. However, the problem of splitting the bill is an urgent one for any student community around the world. This app handles it effortlessly by calculating the tips. Also, it gives you a chance to split the bill in a variety of ways. Whether you are starting an ice cream fund or saving money for the weekend pizza, CheckPlease Lite is a reliable assistant.
- Vouchercloud. Discount codes may sound like an overused term, but they are actually student savers during the semester. This is the app that has college learners in mind, constantly. With Vouchercloud, one can get vouchers for social activities happening in the area. Make sure you are aware of the local cafeteria offers. Don’t miss out on various opportunities provided by the app as you download the codes for the product.
- Plum. We know that the issue of saving cash is somehow unattainable during the college period. Plum is the app that determines how much can be put to the side safely. After this, it creates the fund made especially for you. Link the bank account to the applications and see how much you can afford. Most users are delighted to discover Plum since they need to keep track of their spending patterns. Message Plum whenever you require information about the current account status. The reply is received within 24 hours.