You have definitely seen Beauty and the Beast (Disney classics!) but have you seen Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas? We bet you have not, but now this is all possible for anyone born before the Disney Renaissance launch. The release of Disney Vault is a reason to be happy: now you can watch all your favorite movies and cartoons and dive into sweet memories again and again.
Nowadays we have access to the new movie releases of a legendary Disney studio just a few months later online, but when we were children, we watched Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty only in cinemas. For example, Bambi was first presented in far 1942 and then released once in ten years to the joy of all children across the country. If earlier we had to wait to see our favorite movie again, now we just have to click a few times and they will appear on our monitors, smartphones and smart TVs.
New Disney openings
By this time the size of the Disney vault reached enormous proportions. We used to own physical copies of movies and cartoons and purchased them all over again and again. Disney was responsible for the first economics understanding by children: if you want to keep Aladdin, you have to pay for it. It all ended in November 2019 when Disney+ was launched: now it opened the doors for everyone willing to spend $7 a month for unlimited access to favorite movies. Kids can watch original Disney shows, from the new Mandalorian to old good cartoons.
However, beyond TV program streaming, Disney+ most exciting part is reaching those movies that were delivered and then removed on strategical purposes. Now customers face a bunch of online services dealing with movies and shows streaming where everybody can find something they like: the choice is huge, from Netflix to exclusive films that could be released in theatres if they were good enough. Disney made use of the content market and all users of Disney+ can now watch most popular animated movies.
For every movie like Beauty and The Beast, Lion King, Peter Pan or Aladdin there is part 2, a sequel produced by Disney. You should love the current bunch of Disney remakes named live-action although they are still being computer-animated. Disney+ can also be proud of the remakes, for example, Lady and the Tramp. Some movies just do not get old, and one of the worst Disney+ offers is the ability to get disappointed by the movies of your youth.
There are two types of Disney+ users: those who already have own kids and want to share the cartoons with them and those who pay for a subscription for their entertainment only. The vault is an effective marketing tool that created a demand and returned people`s appreciation of Disney. Before we got access to all classic movies, we created our own collections obsessed with Hercules and the Mermaid. The studio brought us all these pieces back but also added Star Wars, Marvel and the Simpsons episodes.