How to manage time in college When you are a student, you are independent and free from parents’ mentorship. It is more than likely that often you relied on them in reminding you what you need to do. Here, in college, you are on your…
Fours things to get ready for the gym Summer is coming and everyone wants to be in a good shape, so the local gyms are full of people, some of them are squatting while others are running on the treadmills. Doing sports make us healthy,…
5 tips to help your students find a good book Being a teacher doesn’t mean that you should only teach your subject and that`s it. You are also responsible for students` improvement in everything. You should help your students learn useful information necessary in everyday…
7 useful tips for students` time management Sometimes it may be difficult for students to balance between studying, work and free time. The right thing they should do is to think well on their time management. In addition, you are to pay a particular attention…
Useful tips to help your students become “Wild readers” What comes to your mind when you hear about reading? For some people reading is an essential part of their life, it`s the way they can relax from everyday problems and live some beautiful life while…