The modern video games happen to be plagued by bugs, server issues, balance issues, and poor content. However, this is not the case of Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding. This type of game comes out once in several years with the gradual discovery of mechanics and ideas by the players as a part of the adventure. Of course, you can try the new Call of Duty, but it’s not exactly a journey of discovery.
Learning by doing and sharing this information with others has a special feeling, originating from a collective experience. You could feel these emotions while sitting in the same room to watch the Game of Thrones.
Being a combination of sci-fi epic and delivery simulator, Death Stranding can be viewed as the so-called appointment game due to its unusual visual graphics and thrilling plot. Thus, it is definitely one of those games that are best experienced while steaming hot. Is it a game for everyone? No, it is too odd to be enjoyed by everyone. The story takes place in a dystopian future where the main character of Sam Porter Bridges works for a hegemonic transportation company called Bridges. A dystopian future resulted from a cataclysmic paranormal event that filled the world with Birdbox-esque monsters called BTs. Standard scenes from Death Stranding are full of weird dialogues and rapid actions. The game is full of references to astrology, social media, phantasy, etc. For instance, when people die their bodies can explode in a big bang strong enough to wipe out the whole city. Sam, lugging around a baby, can identify BTs. Let’s be honest, not many developers could craft an expensive epic based on the most derided mechanics in order to satirize modern freelance life and show how games themselves get closer to the organization of work than play.
What makes Death Stranding such a revelation is that it is risk-averse. Hideo Kojima can be called a storyteller of engaging narration, but he is also a very talented satirist. Thus, there are funny moments to be laughed at. For instance, your character’s bodily fluids turn out to be anathema to the ghostly “BTs” that are your major enemies.
After hearing all this, you may be thinking to give up on this game. But you’d better ignore the critics. Hideo Kojima’s video game is a masterpiece that might be slow, but it’s totally worth your attention.
Death Stranding’s major theme is based on connection so that Kojima perceives a world in disarray. The election of Donald Trump and the Brexit in the U.K. encouraged the creation of the game. The modern world is affected by political processes so that it is hard to be blind about it. If someone refuses to do that in their works, it means that they ignore everything about politics.
It would be hard for someone in the gaming world to ignore technology completely. But innovations like social media have made it so easy to interact so that people forget to consider the humanity on the other end of a message. The last but not the least reason Death Stranding is worth your time is the game’s visual quality. Kojima stated on his Twitter that 70 percent of his body is made of cinematograph. From a totally aesthetic point of view, the game’s epic thrill, compositional perfection, and soaring score happen to be a strong case so that games can be as beautiful as the best sci-fi epics. If you’re interested in combining both cinematograph and video gaming, Kojima has created a very simple mode allowing almost anyone to make it to the end of the story.